From Trinity to UCONN, from a Bantam to a Husky!!! Welcome to my TCPCG page....its a remix of homework and some of my favorite videos.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 3 T2P....IF you agree with your theorist's principles then it makes the research much more enjoyable because you are personally connected.

             As the intensity increases so does my coffee intake. I felt like today was the 1st day that the looming promise of intensity that every professor in TCPCG has been saying was delivered. It was the first day I found myself taking several meditation breaks(although you would never know it because I never left my seat) in order to refocus my thoughts. I was sidetracked by background noise, technology barriers and personalities. All of these will come at my triple time in the classroom setting. I am spring training for my fall debut.

                                        PIAGET PLAYGROUP
           I was the natural cheerleader in our group, not due to my enthusiasm, because I always carry a guilt with me if all members of a group don't equally participate. Because the "roles" were suggested I found myself trying to pull information out of group members, as well as asking if I heard people's ideas correctly, repeating certain ideas and listening with an openminded ear. Again,triple-time come fall and  I will need these skills to continue to develop quickly-er! I noticed that a couple members were eager to take responsibility for big chunks of material and I again I tried to make sure we all were equally doing our share. It went from one secretary to most of the group participating in the google document. We quickly meshed, except for one that did not seem to make her way in. This always seems to be a aspect of group work. My speculation is that sometimes personalities in groups might not mesh leading to this. But again, I am truly guessing from this personal experience today. Possibly from encouraging this person to contribute they felt a certain way from this, not sure.
                                                  FREIRE ROCKS!

            Come afternoon, it was a totally different dynamic with a smaller group. We worked diligently to finish a task which took much longer than the allotted time and pressed on as hard as we could. We seemed to organically find our best place in the group. We offered information equally to cover questions even expressing a real connection to our theorist which made the work much more enjoyable, something that both Piaget and Freire actually believed was necessary for ultimate learning to take place. It is interesting how much smoother our afternoon went especially considering the pressure we were under.


  1. Mel,

    Delve into this statement: It is interesting how much smoother our afternoon went especially considering the pressure we were under.

    Can you formulate a T2P statement speculating why this occurred and attend to what you believe the teacher's role is to facilitate an optimal group experience on all occasions? Is that even possible?

    Keep pressing!


    p.s. You were "teachering" in the Piaget group--pretending to be a Teacher. What do you think about that?

  2. If there is a high level of stress then students often work better because there is an impending deadline with provides a sense of urgency and need. I guess the role of the teacher is to scaffold, present and then sit back only mediating when some students either exhibit that they need/ask for help or if the classroom environment is not conducive to learning eg.loud, aggressive or disruptive behavior.

    I think that some groups "teach" themselves while others need no guidance, it just happens organically.
