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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

EDCI5825 Tech Tools for challenged individuals

     The world of technology has made a concerted effort to include all into their world and this would include individuals who are hearing and vision impaired, special needs or someone with a temporary injury like a broken hand.
     For someone who has a temporary issue, like a broken arm, their schoolwork can be greatly affected if accommodations are not made. It used to be the student would have to suffer and learn to write with their left hand but in today's advanced age there is technology to assist with this. I would recommend some sort of voice recognition software. Both Microsoft and Apple have such products and this would allow the student to dictate their homework into their computer where it can be stored or emailed to their teacher(2011a).
     Fortunately, the last couple years have really taken off for software for visually impaired individuals. Initially there were readers with audio functions but the menus did not have this making it impossible to navigate without help from a sighted person(of which I can still not confirm whether or not they do now have audible menus) but they do have text-to-speech reading functions(2011). There were complaints from the American Council for the Blind in regards to this lack of consideration with this oversight. I did find a site where you can download audible functions. Also as mentioned above there is the speech recognition software which would also serve useful for the visually impaired. This gives them much easier access to the internet than other software such as large print software which some impaired can utilize.
     As far as hearing impaired students in my class go I would have to be exceptionally sensitive to the types of audio I use, such as videos, but hopefully with my big voice and certain things like having a power point available for lessons would aid in their full understanding of the class. As far as technology it seems like there is still room for advancement.
     I was glad to find so much information on assistance for special needs children. Because I have no experience with or knowledge about the sensitivity towards this particular aspect of education. Speech generating devices(SGD) and a spectrum of Alternative and Augmentative Communication(AAC). One of the most basic examples of AAC, and widely used, is the picture board. It is a simple velcro system(low priced) that is useful for non-communicative students. I am not too sure how useful these are at high school level though and in a Social Studies classroom perhaps a map is the best example I can think of with this product. But there is also software technology for this concept  and, of course, the Smartboard which sound very similar. (2011 b)
    All and all there is a breadth of technological resources to aid many people who are challenged it is just being aware, and aiding in this awareness, of whats out there.

Wikibooks (2011) Assistive Technology in Education/ebook. Retrieved from
Wikibooks. (2011a). Assistive Technology in Education/Speech Recognition Software. Retrieved from
Wikibooks. (2011b). Assistive Technology in Educartion/Autism. Retrieved from


  1. NIce post!
    I see with your references that there are a few extra spaces.. did this automatically happen? Can you adjust and delete these spaces?
